How to get this "stupidly" tight chug sound


Nov 25, 2011
So I've heard this sound in a bunch of djenty projects. It's at around 2:50. Any tips?
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The part at 2:50 doesn't sound like tight chugs it sounds like a glitch. Take your best chug, cut off the begining and end of it so youre left with either a 16th or a 32nd note, then copy/paste that piece of audio to where you want it to be.
Kick drum is also carrying that type of riffs like on 2:50, like in most of "modern" metal productions... editing and "click" kick drum, so ti all sounds punchy and tight...
Look at the natural decay of the note and make sure to delete it. When I hear stuff like this I always wonder if non-engineering types think that some dude is actually playing like that.

A matter of musical arrangement. When kick accents the palm muted riff, and tight editing, so all sounds like this particular riff. Every palm muted picking is accompanied with kick, so it gives that punch to the guitar sound.
Same goes with bass guitar which often carries the sound of the guitar that we perceive in xy production.

All I'm trying to say, the sound of guitar that we perceive is often the sound of the arrangement all together. Also, a matter of heavy editing in this example.
srsly? :\ you CANT ruin a cover, its almost impossible. The verse makes no sense. The chorus is awfuly anticlimatic wtf! thers like no lead in to the chorus. amazing. Attack attack! like transitioning. good job
Cool little solo @ 1:10 :dopey:
Just like Tommy said but,

Cut the beginning and end off of a chug, then duplicate your kick track and use the chug as a sample in drumagog etc.... thats how it sounds to me.....might work