How to get this "stupidly" tight chug sound

Yeah.. Djent is fucking stupid..

The genre is just full of musicians who think they're prestige level, but really can only comprehend super simple chordal changes and rhythms that they try to stump people with.
I actually still don't know what djent is :erk: I kinda associate it with Periphery or something,

I'm with electricred on this one, everywhere I go, not just on here, just lately everyone is complaining about risecore, post-hardcore, djent, and that everything sounds the same. I agree, to a point. For me, all "pop" music sounds the same, but some of it I like, I actually listen to a bit of everything, but the br00tz comes first :rock:

I'm not really bound by genres. If I think it sounds good, then it is good - to me. I couldn't care less if it's risecore or djent or crabcore or whatever, to me, it's just music that I like, and as someone thats very interested in audio engineering I'm interested in how its put together. I actually could care less if it was edited to fuck. I liked the end result. It's still someones art even if it's considered a completely piss poor attempt by others.

You can all flame me now :cry: lol
yeah, everything that i don't listen to is stupid. the only thing that sounds good to me is the music that i listen to cause i'm legit as fuck. every other genre of music that i don't dig can go to hell *piss* *piss* :Spin: