How to give this snare some beefe


May 24, 2009
I´m struggeling on my snares sound to get a little bit more bottom or body to it.
I think the heights and transients/attack are fine. I´m still bosting the 200Hz area but can´t get the fatness I want.

For people who are interested to give me some advice.
I´ve uploaded a final mix snippet. Kind of Deftones groove, its just a snippet and no final, thight as hell groove ;-) But It works for my aspire. And I don´t wont the typically Deftones Snare. I need more beefe ;-)

Furthermore there a two Folders.
One with the progressed stems and the second with the rough files.
There are just a few tracks. 2 Kicks (Sennheiser e906, Shure Beta91a) 1 Snare/top (SM57) and a pair of AKG C451 for OH in ORTF.
Snare is an 14" Pearl Sensitone with Evans CS batter. Kick DW 22" with Powerstroke III skin.

Will be nice if somebody can give me a hint how to fatten up the snare a little bit.
enhance it with Samples, easiest way :)
You're missing lot of high end on this one imo! That distorted sound from the bottom is missing...