How to go about recording bass guitar?


New Metal Member
Apr 24, 2008
I am very new to this side of music production, I mainly do electronic based beats and synth music but I have now discovered I can put my guitar ability to use with ampsims and such. I haven't been able to find a clear answer for this, but how do most people record their bass guitars in a mix. I know it is always centered and I will be recording directly in through a preamp, but I have heard people using just their regular guitars and making it sound lower some how? I dont own a bass guitar so are there any tricks/programs/impulses that I could use to capture a bass guitar sound from a regular electric guitar? Thanks
...but I have heard people using just their regular guitars and making it sound lower some how?

Well if you've heard about this, dig a little deeper and you are going to find the information you want. I understand that you are new here, but people get quite irritated by the amount of identical threads started on this forum. Use the search bar and you are bound to get your answers faster.

Welcome to the forum.
If you're using an electric guitar in place of a bass, it's a good idea to pitch everything down an octave (12 semitones), to match the tuning a bass guitar would be in.

Also you might want to experiment with the pickup selector and tone knob; sometimes it sounds better with a little lower tone, or with the neck pickup.
39405943840th thread about the topic this week alone. Google for GoddamnGuitar's (Fearedse on Youtube) tutorial.


Did you not consider this exact topic, on a forum this vast and with so many active members, might have been addressed already?

I think a lot of regulars would prefer for this thread to be locked and the OP can just do a search. I don't usually care but its frustrating for the majority that such a great source of information is getting diluted with the same old shit.

GoddamnGuitar's tutorial is amazing.
I have viewed this guys tutorial awhile ago. It doesn't address my question about whether bass guitar should be di or not. I have been recording my guitars directly into my firebox and was mainly asking if bass should be recorded this way also..if there were special impulses and/or ampsims to use for recording bass. I have looked through threads I am not lazy. Everytime I started looking I would find something new and interesting that I would read up on. I got so sidetracked I stumbled upon how to finally multichannel out ezdrummer. I figured I would post a question. Sorry for redundancy. Thanks.
Always DI if you can. Ampeg SVX is used a lot for bass. Guitar sims work for grit too. Try it out and see what sounds good. Or hear rather. If you want to record "bass" with a regular guitar, just pitch it down 12 semitones and then run it through sims.