How to hook up mixers


Lag Arkane
Jun 11, 2005
The Netherlands
i've always been wondering how to hook up a mixer to a pc.
for an example:

in a studio you see someone use cubase, and when he turns down the volume on a track on his mixer, you can see the volume go down in cubase of that track. so how do they hook this up to there pc's ? usb ? Firewire ?

anyone knows ?
Check out the Mackie Control Universal, easiest to see how it works. It hooks up via MIDI conenction to your DAW. It just control everything you see on the screen, but on the little mixer. It's really not a "mixer" by traditional standards. It's really just a controller. A mixer is more like something with microphone preamps or a bunch of line-in connections. DAW controllers don't have any of that.

They are nice to have if you are old school and like to touch faders and knobs instead of using a mouse. Thats what they do. They just replace your mouse. Easiest way to describe it.

or if your soundcard has midi ins and outs you can hook up there. Cubase has controller presets. If the one you are using is in the list then it makes life easier.
You should check out the Behringer BF2000, 8 motorized faders and a bunch of presets for the major programs using a usb connection. Not a bad machine for $200. It's not a real mixer though, you don't pass audio through it, it's just a software controller.
006 said:
You can get a MIDI to USB adapter. :)


oh yeah thx !!

something like this ?

EDIT: + what it's better ( quality, faster ) USB or Firewire ?

Mendel: yep thats a perfect example of a MIDI -> USB adapter. That would work. Edirol is a good brand too. :)
