How to make a really 'evil' voice


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
Something out of a horror movie, just really deep and evil. I've fucked around with pitch and the basic cubase plugs but I'm not getting anywhere but cheesy shit
This wont get you all the way there on its own, but pitch shifting a minor second (+ or -1 semitones) gets that really dissonant/ creepy sound that will work well within the layers.
After working with this a few minutes I still prefer working with individual tracks and pitch shifting them manually. Get a good performance of someone saying something really evil in a confident, aggresive tone and then copy it to several tracks and pitch shift them all down a few steps. The key is shifting them all with at least 1 steps variation, so that you get some dissonance going which really brings the br00tz. Then go crazy with compression, reverb and chorus to taste. I like female voices better for this though, since they tend to sound more crazy and haunting.

EDIT: Did a little test with this technique, doing an improvised paraphrase of the Evil Dead sample everyone uses: