Did you guys know that I make video tutorials?

You are ballsy for attempting a mix with nothing but ez mix. I don't think I could do it.

But to be honest, I liked how the plugin sounds and works. Two control sliders + output volume, just like in most good plugins, no extra tweaking bullshit. I wish it would be ilok plugin tho, so I wouldn't need to do license installing and uninstalling juggling when working with other studios.
how the hell I could missed all those tutorials!, few hours of pure knowledge on the way :)
This is just awesome, ahjteam.

ahjteam, I have a question: I saw you using QCLONE plugin with Protools and checking plugins (Amp Sims and Impulses TUT, great BTW.)
But I just can't figure out how to route It in Cubase.
Could you give me some light on this?
Is there a way I could do it without pluggin' cables?

hey AHJ.... I check for your new vids every day.... would you mind if I'll post them here instead?