Video Tutorials?


Oct 10, 2008
Niles, Michigan
Hey guys! Ever since Scott (Waterboy) left us for the Marketing world (wish you luck man!) I was thinking, anyone else thinking about doing tutorials? Everything from micing, programing, S 2.0, Plugins, EQing, etc, etc.

Dont get me wrong the written tutorials are awesome here, but myself (and im sure others to) am a more VISUAL type of student. Im just saying if anyone wants to take the torch from Scott and keep the tutorial videos going, that would be kick ass.

AND I understand, most people are thinking. Just read it and do it for yourself, I know and im not expecting whoever to do it all. Just giving a visual basic ideas for everyone out there, cause Scott helped ALOT and so did ALL these tutorials, but like I said im a visual kind of guy. Thanks again and Keep it Metal!


~Wes Nyle~
If I knew how to do something that could help the forum out, shit, id grab my crappy camera and film just like you, reading is nice, but visual is just 100x better.
Thanks. I'll try to fiddle my way around it.

The tricky part here is going to be the capturing of the speech (into a different audio interface) as well as the audio outs of ProTools. But I'll see if I can get it working!
Recording a mix process works fine when you're dealing with specific tasks such as editing drums. But with most stuff it's always gonna come down to how you deal with the source material. Like presets on plugins, they're okay as a starting point but ONLY that. You always need to make changes for the source material. So unless you want to make a vid showing how to mix this ringy/thuddy/clangy/buzzy snare you're never gonna cover all the bases to any truly useful degree. It'd be a starting point, but not much more. Ultimately you just have to do it until you find a way that works.
If I have any energy left... I might make a tutorial out of something I encounter during the mixing or editing process of my own project. I've also got another project upcoming with that black metal dude I recorded once earlier.. I'll see if anything worthy pops up and I'll try remembering it for later so I can make a tutorial out of it. I have never done any tutorials in the past though so I have no idea how it'll turn out :) This'll be waaaay in the future though, nothing to expect anytime soon.