NEED MASTERING ASAP!! Rate my mix also please!

Maybe there should be a seperate sub forum for those requesting mixing/mastering/reamping so we don't have to deal with people expecting everything for free!

That way, someone who is after a bit of mixing work can go 'hey this dude has requested some tracks to be mixed'.

Just an idea.

But hey if you payed engineers like being undercut and cross board spammed then by all means remain quiet!

(I did however make that assumption from the first reply so if you didn't cross board spam then sorry!)
I'm not really sure what's worse. The thread itself, or the way people are responding to it. The Sneap board I willingly signed up to didn't have any of this juvenile reactionary crap going on. Almost felt like I was back on the Opeth board for a second.

Anyway, that mix needs a lot more than just a last minute mastering job. It may be a wise lesson for the artist to account for more time in the future if they're hoping to use a recording as promotional material.

Yeah, I'm seeing myself spending less and less time here. I mean, if I want to read these kind of flaming posts, I can just go poke around at Blabbermouth. The fact is, I read the OP exactly how he was trying to come across, and didn't find that he was being demanding at all. Sure, he has a bit to learn if he thinks you can just "toss" a mastering job on something, and I did skip on downloading the file when I saw that it was .WMA, but I didn't go outside, kick the neighbors cat, and call the OP an asshole, like some kind of lunatic. I just chose not to post a reply... until I came back today and saw all this crap.
Sorry to jump off topic here guys my apologies but i must ask mick thompson where my payment is for a mix i did for him a while ago and he just never replied. what the hell man, not cool at all...
Sorry to jump off topic here guys my apologies but i must ask mick thompson where my payment is for a mix i did for him a while ago and he just never replied. what the hell man, not cool at all...

Privat message???
If he doesnt reply we now have mods....

Sometimes I cant believe this is the Andy sneap forum anymore.

This is the second thread in one day where a lot of people raping the guy who posts the thread....and other people enjoying it????

Whats the problem dudes...
And Levian you bring me in a shitty situation:

Mick is a long time user of this forum. Do I think he is con man....HELL NO!!!!
On the other hand you joined this forum this year, so do I think you talk bullshit.....HELL YES!!!!!

See Levian, maybe you are telling the truth but you didnt give yourself any help here
ALSO, I dont see where I wrote "YOU BETTER FUCKING DO THIS NOW OR YOUR ALL DEAD BITCHES!" or anything like that. I think it says, hey, wouldnt be able to pay but figured id see if someone could help out, please and thanks. Thats kind of what im re-reading there.... hmm.... I see how I came off SO hard and such a demanding asshole........

It's called tact, and even though you had your "please and thank-you's" in your initial post, it lacked tact, which is off-putting.

And, your replies since indicate that you still haven't learned what tact is, so WYSIWYG.*

*this is not to mention that you posted the exact same thing in more than 1 area of the forum...
wait hold on guys... im not meening to get into any arguments here... first of all i want to say yes i was wrong to bring it up here and i meen no disturbances to anyone else. And gabriel i dont talk bullshit... i dont even know you please dont jump to your own conclusions and grow up. The fact is that mick left me hanging with no replies from concsant pm and emails, just want to know what happened and what we can do about it. Once again my apologies if i have upset anyone... this is a great forum with many great users who i have learnt from and given to.
I'm not really sure what's worse. The thread itself, or the way people are responding to it. The Sneap board I willingly signed up to didn't have any of this juvenile reactionary crap going on. Almost felt like I was back on the Opeth board for a second.

Anyway, that mix needs a lot more than just a last minute mastering job. It may be a wise lesson for the artist to account for more time in the future if they're hoping to use a recording as promotional material.

BIG +1. A lot of people here are getting ridiculous. If you don't want to help don't reply with rude statements! You could always just not reply or reply with constructive criticism but straight up making fun of the guy? Come on now......

Yeah, I'm seeing myself spending less and less time here. I mean, if I want to read these kind of flaming posts, I can just go poke around at Blabbermouth. The fact is, I read the OP exactly how he was trying to come across, and didn't find that he was being demanding at all. Sure, he has a bit to learn if he thinks you can just "toss" a mastering job on something, and I did skip on downloading the file when I saw that it was .WMA, but I didn't go outside, kick the neighbors cat, and call the OP an asshole, like some kind of lunatic. I just chose not to post a reply... until I came back today and saw all this crap.

While I admire you guys for taking the stance that flames are not necessary, my bigger concern (and the reason for my posts) is that I see the deterioration of a forum like this more through dudes who post threads like these looking for free, easy avenues to get their work done than I do responders posting responses that could be construed as "flaming". It reduces the learning/conversing aspect IMO, and makes this forum more known for "good free work" rather than a place to learn new techniques and converse with like minded engineers. Most of the guys who posted negative responses are otherwise topical posters, so I don't see their reaction to this particular thread a dreaded sign of a decline in this forum. :rolleyes:
wait hold on guys... im not meening to get into any arguments here... first of all i want to say yes i was wrong to bring it up here and i meen no disturbances to anyone else. And gabriel i dont talk bullshit... i dont even know you please dont jump to your own conclusions and grow up. The fact is that mick left me hanging with no replies from concsant pm and emails, just want to know what happened and what we can do about it. Once again my apologies if i have upset anyone... this is a great forum with many great users who i have learnt from and given to.

I said I dont know whats the truth, I only said that it is bullshit to post your problems in another thread just because someone else posted in that thread!!!!

And I said that you are doing yourself no favor with doing this shit!!!!

So there is nothing to grow up, it is just THINK BEFORE TYPE IN:rolleyes:
While I admire you guys for taking the stance that flames are not necessary, my bigger concern (and the reason for my posts) is that I see the deterioration of a forum like this more through dudes who post threads like these looking for free, easy avenues to get their work done than I do responders posting responses that could be construed as "flaming". It reduces the learning/conversing aspect IMO, and makes this forum more known for "good free work" rather than a place to learn new techniques and converse with like minded engineers. Most of the guys who posted negative responses are otherwise topical posters, so I don't see their reaction to this particular thread a dreaded sign of a decline in this forum. :rolleyes:

This, I agree with totally.

Seriously, it seems as time wears on, the young generation of people are becoming more self obsessed fucks that want instant gratification.
As a a 20 year old about to turn 21 next month myself, I see this happen around me every day and it gives me the fucking shits, seriously.

Although I'm relatively new, I always thought of the Sneap forum as somewhere where people come for the long haul, not for people that want a quick fix.
This, I agree with totally.

Seriously, it seems as time wears on, the young generation of people are becoming more self obsessed fucks that want instant gratification.
As a a 20 year old about to turn 21 next month myself, I see this happen around me every day and it gives me the fucking shits, seriously.

Although I'm relatively new, I always thought of the Sneap forum as somewhere where people come for the long haul, not for people that want a quick fix.

this is the age of downloads and home studios, why pay money when I can steal the shit or record it for free. how many times have we heard from this site or another music production site from someone who jumped in and need help out.
i never asked anyone to do a free mix for me - if you check back i made a posting saying who wants to mix my indie/dance/rock band - i uploaded the session files and i got around 12 mixes back. (who wants - not ... mix and get paid... if i wanted someone to do a professional mix for me i simply would have found more of a professional member and pm'd him to arrange it - i wouldn't put it up publicly...duh)

i said on the posting.. the one i liked might get a deal in the near future for mixing the bands EP (one of my bands...dont worry ... i play metal too) i never EVER EVER IN MY GOD FOR SAKEN LIFE said mix this and i'll pay you money so dont put words in my mouth and EVERYBODY FEEL FREE TO GO BACK AND CHECK THAT POSTING

so shut your pussy trap LeviathanMetal - your lucky you got a reply because your on my ignore list and have been after a spam of around 8 emails from you - wheres the tracks, wheres money etc - learn to fuck off - if i want the services of a professional i will contact a professional privately

anyway what i really wanted to say was....

+1 on poidaobi's idea of having a dedicated "Mix / Mastering Requests" section because there are always new people here looking for session files to mix here for learning etc be it in logic, protools, cubase or whatever people use
If i was paid for this job i'd sent you for a remix since you have nearly no mids and highs on this mix. Here is a master i did in like 15 minutes i hope it helps you, but seriously you'll need to remix this. Master.m4a

Am I wrong for thinking it's a bit fucking retarded that you've put up a link and deleted it from your Drop box account so no one is going to be able to hear it to see if you've even done a decent job or not?
Hate to say it, but a "mastering" job done in 15 minutes = hack job.

Mastering tends to involve listening to fine details over and over again and making subtle tweaks only now and then, rather than mixing where you're usually constantly tweaking things.
Chances are you did more harm than good to the sound of his mix with your 15 minute "master".
Fuck me! Fair dinkum fellas! Some poor cunt asked for a helping hand and a good samaritan came to his rescue (15 mins or not) and gets fucked over for it. Why punch this poor cunt in the face, knock him down and then allow 10 - 15 others come in and kick the shit out of him? That is a very cunted thing to do! There are "little" gangs forming around here, little 12 year old girl gangs and its starting to become a regularity! Some here post far to many useless negatives, while other threads get neglected. If some cunt is blatantly out of order, then yeah, a quick jab just to let him know is cool. Its those others that like to come in afterwards while his on the ground and 10 out him that makes this shit unbearable. Next time you blokes are out at a night club or similar, pray that you dont get hunted by 10 or more, cause if you do, you're gonna know about it! :Smug:
^ Thanks mate. You said it.

It's this juvenile pack mentality that bothers me. It seems to be fair game to gang up on some guy simply because he doesn't follow established forum etiquette, or lacks tact. This is the internet; You're going to get all sorts passing through this place. The way you deal with them is how you define yourself. The way this thread has shaped up, many people have defined themselves rather poorly - best intentions or no.

Don't get me wrong. This 'I want shit done for free and NOW' thing going around sickens me to my core. But, if we're going to maintain the integrity of this industry it won't help to get adversarial towards the demographic that forms our client base. Rather than informing the poster of how much he fails, it may instead be advisable to recommend an alternate approach to him - one that involves petitioning newer members of the community who want to prove themselves as its own reward. Anybody who has been doing this for a considerable length of time deserves to be remunerated for their services. Though the way some carried on here you'd be inclined to think that the engineering community itself is comprised of spoiled teens with entitlement issues.

IMO the important points to walk away from in this thread are:

1) The mix needs a lot more work; a master is just a band-aid solution in this case.
2) Appeal to newer members rather than scatter-shotting at the entire community that you want a service performed for free.
3) Chill out and conduct yourself in a civil manner. People that want to use your services for free aren't going anywhere. It's how you deal with them that defines you.