How to make "beeps" :p


Sep 8, 2003
Artifikal Harmonic +7 or something its called in GP4..

but wtf is this? ive allways wondered how pro's "beeps" their guitar on a very dark tone.. like 5 on the E string (not the bass string).

Its on the thrashed lost strungout tab on bar 162.

Plz answer ^^
Called a "pinch" (bob and needled are gonna have a fieldday shooting me down on this one!) Basically hit the string "thumb" it to make it squell, artificial Harmonic?! Zakk is the master at it, me well I try but I still suck at it! Well Bob? BOB???? :lol:
*saw beckon call from mammoth*

Artificial harmonics, or "Pintch" harmonics are when a strings frequency gets cut precisely in half, while doubling the vibrations.

to do it, use yoru picking hands thumb on a certian spot of the sting, close to the bridge. Pick the note and give it a wide vibratto, and yoru should creat a desirable sound
The easist way to find the harmonics is to pluck the string and tap it like you would for a natural hamonic up by the pickups and then use those as guides to where the pinch harmonics will be near. I'd suggest just spend a few hours finding them and practicing hitting the pinch harmonics so you can get the motion right