How to make vocal melodies instead of solo?


Oct 5, 2010
Latvia, Riga
I'm not melodic vocalist, but starting to learn that too.
Now when I'm writing song I'm struggling with vocal melodies, I'm doing it on my daw and using synth sound to come up with melodies, but that isn't sounding like melodies meant for vocal but more like some kind solo.

What I should keep in mind when create melody for vocal?
I got pretty nice chords that sound good for them selves and last version start to sound something like it and I used some kind phrasing. music/13.PIRMDIENA.mp3
easy rule to get you started ...

the more intricate, complex and / or busy the music / progression ... the more simple & basic you should make the vocal melody over it

you can fill in the cracks as needed from there
I noticed vocal melodies usually have a lot of repetitive notes in the middle of a sentence. Other than that, just sing it in your head or hum it, and then write it. I find it quite natural, then if you can think about what note would be nice to hit at strategic times in the chord progressions, it helps not writing noobish random lines
Thanks guys for input!!!
At moment I fiddled with melody for chorus chord progression and it turned pretty good. This time that was kinda phrasing too almost same phrase 2 times but ending it with little change.
Egan, I have problems with singing on my own, I need something to sing along and I can do it only on second take. So trying to find melodies with humming isn't working for me now.
Its gonna be hard man. I can listen to my friend play piano and instantly come up with something beautiful.
I can start writing a melody for my band's songs and be stuck scratching my head for weeks.
Its very difficult to write melodies without chords. Chugga chugga and even riffs are hard for me to come up with anything decent for. My recommendation is to designate a special place in the song that's a chord progression and work on your melody there.
My hats off to Periphery and all the other bands who somehow manage to pull off a good clean vox over regular metal riffs.
I managed to make awesome (for my preference) melody for chorus (even made overdub/harmony part). I like more riff-ish/lick like vocal melodies that catch your ear (slipknot - wait and bleed; HAMMERFALL - Hearts On Fire). Not like Grey Daze (Chester Benington) type when it sound more like random melody/ solo.
I'll have to tweak melody for verse a bit to satisfy me to the end.
Have you tried writing the melody FIRST then using the rest of the song to support it?

Good idea. This is how normal songs are written I guess. I think "normal" is thrown out the window when you step into death metal territory...
I don't write my vocal parts until guitars are finished cause they change shit up so much in the process and i don't wanna have to edit lyrics to shoehorn into a new version. I'm in a band where they don't want a lot of clean so I'm always worked into a corner when guitars are done. :bah:
Which one does your band do first nezvers?