Mat or Mateo
You should be able to do it at very low volume as well. If you cant, the technique is not good. You can do it also with just air through your throat, not producing any sound. For example I sometimes try the high pitched tagtgren scream without the sound as if I was trying to do a scream while whispering in a quiet room, and them slowly blend in some fry with a high note. I can't go as high as him, but I can feel its the proper way of doing it because it's comfy, even if it sounds crap with no proper training.
You have to let the air flow in your throat, from the low part of your belly. Contract your belly as if you were defending from a belly punch, and open your throat just like you are yawning, and push air in a controlled manner. Don't use your actual vocal chords. It's more or less what you are aiming at, you should be able to do an angry scream without hurting your vocal chords this way. You have to forget about using your "voice" as in talking. Then later you can blend a little bit of it to make it into a fry note (think Kurt cobain, or Phil anselmo).
You have to let the air flow in your throat, from the low part of your belly. Contract your belly as if you were defending from a belly punch, and open your throat just like you are yawning, and push air in a controlled manner. Don't use your actual vocal chords. It's more or less what you are aiming at, you should be able to do an angry scream without hurting your vocal chords this way. You have to forget about using your "voice" as in talking. Then later you can blend a little bit of it to make it into a fry note (think Kurt cobain, or Phil anselmo).