how to record an inhale guttural singer


New Metal Member
Jul 8, 2010
Hi, I'm a singer in a french brutal death metal band: Mutilate the Stillborn.
We're recording our debut ep, alle the instruments are done and now we do the vocals and we encounter a problem.
I'm an inhale guttural singer for about 2 years, it's the first time i'm recording this kind of singing and my voice doesn't sound like when I'm on stage or during our practicing.
I can't stand the fact my problem is stopping our recording and when I listen to bands like Katalepsy wich have an inhale singer and their recording sounds great! SO if any inhale singer or sound engineer can help me with my problem, it will be so nice!

P.S: Don't do any comments like "LOL INHALE IS GAY", "GO EXHALE NOOB" I love the way I sing, my and my band we love this sound.
sm58 handheld, monitors cranked, and just do it like you're doing it live.

using a condenser, or a mic on a stand in general only works for few inhale singers imho. most of them sound better and are more comfortable doing it just like they're doing it live.
+1 on everything fragle said!
A good friend of mine records his vocals this way, too and
he does a lot of guest vocals for friends, recorded him twice
and it didn't work that well with a condenser and so on, but
with a handheld 58 (once, the other time a 57) it worked really
Thanks for our awnsers :)! I was recording with a shure SM7 doest it work? Shall I cup the microphone (SM58 or SM57)?
And StefTD Do you have any link where I can check what your friend did?
I have to search for it, he's almost never ever online and I don't know
the bands he did it for, not my cup of tea, he just does it for fun.
Gonna need some time.