How to record PT sound with screen recorder?


Oct 10, 2009
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I have Bandicam screen recording software (I use it to record PC gameplay etc), but I can't figure out how to get the sound in Pro Tools to record (screen records fine, but no sound). I'd like to make vids of stuff I'm doing mixing wise for future reference, and possibly do some tutorials in the future. I have an Mbox 2 if that helps. Thanks!
Ive done this, and routed a duplicate output to record on another interface in logic
Hmm... there should definitely be an easier way, since the screen recorder is capable of recording sound... I think I just don't have the settings right
I don't think many are able to capture ASIO. I'm pretty sure Camtasia can but it isn't freeware.
A mac with quicktime screen recorder. I believe this is how most people do it. I see a lot of the time people actually have the audio track being recorded up in pro tools. So it probably has something to do with the routing. I will play with it tonight and let you know. I have not tried it. Im pretty sure that the way is to use 2 separate sound cards, ex. use your interface for protools output but use the built in sound card for voice. I will see tonight if i can do it all with just my fireface 800.
I was thinking about trying the recording audio in pro tools, then merging the audio and video method, but that seems like a real hassle, was definitely hoping for an easier method...
Yeah I've tried to find ways around this dozens of times and the only solution I ever find is recording the audio on a different device. I think its because if your daw is running audio through one driver, the screen capture software can't use the same driver. Its a pain in the ass but oh well.
Take a line output or headphone output from your interface and connect to the line input of your Mac. Set the input level to about 50%.

When I do the videos for The Reaper Blog I just add an extra hardware output to 3-4 on the master. A cable from 3-4 goes to the line in on the mac. Could also set up Soundflower which can make the system ouput stream into an input, I use that sometimes to record audio clips off youtube.

If you record the dialog separately it's still really easy to edit. Screenflow is the best app for screencasts and has a great editor.