how to "scream" thread


Dec 20, 2004
While there are endless how to growl threads......i want to learn how to scream (eg: Devin townsend style) i can do some black metal vocals, is the screaming technique situated around black metal vocals?
black metal, melo-death, metalcore, post-hardcore....

granted, black metal and melo-death screams are different than post-hardcore and metalcore screams...most of the time...
Led Opeth said:
just have someone grab your balls

i thought that was for Falsetto...??.....o well for growlig....DT style....Hmmm......make sure ure well hydrated...and then use the moisture in ure throat to sort of gargle...but instead try to make a soudn witgh ure gargling...!!!!.....this is teh safe way to do it...its also less harmful to teh vocal chords...!!!....good luck....!!!........PEAC EOUT
funny stuff guys lol. But seriously, when i look in the mirror, i just kinda let out a squeel...doesnt really sound like a scream....maybe i should look in the mirror AND let someone grab my balls at the same time?
xXBraveMurderDay said:
No really, He can't. I read about it. Well I mean, he can scream.. but he can't go on tour like that, he can't maintain his screaming voice for a long period of time.

Oh man you're right. I read exactly the same article, damn where was that, it may have just been Wikipedia or something.

Sorry, didn't mean to doubt.

*note to Goober: Do not become Dan Swano*
Ok guys, it was fun with the jokes. But now i actually kind of want to know how you scream like, Strapping young lad style.