How To: Tuned Sub-Kick


 Certified iPod Trainer
Jan 22, 2007
Baton Rouge, La.
Howdy, all.
This here is a little too-too on how to bring in a Sub-Kick so that you can play it.

This is very similar to another video that I have done ...

And just like the others - it is for beginners .... it is meant to be funny!

I am not trying to win an Oscar or anything.

Sit back - watch - and I hope that you enjoy it.

Take care.

[ame=]Tuned Sub-Kick[/ame]
@ musickey: thanks so much for the kind words - and for taking the time to watch. I appreciate it very much.

@ RipShredmohr: I wish I were that cool! That dude can snap his fingers and get pussy! Not to mention, assuming the rumor I heard was correct, he has his own record label now (or is about to have one). Thanks for watching and for the reply.

You guys rawk!
Take care.