How was YOUR Turkey Worship Day?


Grotesque Butchery Rabbit
Ah yes, Thanksgiving, the day everyone huddles together to give praise to a gobbling feathered creature. How was everyone's?

Mine was damn good, I had about 4 shots of Vodka when I woke up and ever since have been buzzed - not drunk, just buzzed... THIS is a good day. Now if only I could figure out why I'm still listening to Rob Zombie and haven't hit the next button yet...
YEAH, dude the best part was with the turkey...
no really, thanksgiving was better this year than most. I hate having a billion people pass through my house and this year it was all my immediate family. So it was cool.
I worked all day. I gave up eating all meat last week, so no turkey for me. I had some salad, fruit salad, mashed potatoes, and green beans at work. This is the first Thanksgiving in history I probably lost a pound.

My family and I are having our Thanksgiving on Saturday - I'll stuff myself silly then.
I cleaned up my room, had turkey and stuffing, mingled with relatives. End.
I ate some turkey, took a nap, woke up, had pie and cake, took a nap.

Funny part of the day was seeing my nieces and nephews chasing 4 wild turkey that wandered into our yard. The kids were like a pack of ravenous wolves.

I don't know what they thought they were going to do if they caught them, must have been turkey fever.
Karmic said:
ate a wiener, laughed at american holiday....

...and then cried because I want turkey too

Ahhh dont cry, it just makes you sleepy anyway. I had a good time spending time with some new friends Ive made and watching football. DAMN YOU COWBOYS TO HELL. I HATE YOU. Had some wine and vodka and watched my soon to probably be GF walk around in her cheerleading shorts. :D Then went home and listened to Hellfire CLub by EDGUY and played Fight Night 2004 on my Xbox.
Maharet said:
Sammeh, why did you become a vegiterrible?
I don't know :erk: . I never ate that much meat anyway ...been watching all these cooking shows where they toss around a chunk of beef and pull out bones and fat and muscle - made me sick. And plucking off chicken skin and tearing it off bone ... :yuk: . I never could eat ribs or steak or anything on a bone anyway, but now I'm worse.

I miss tacos. :cry:
bacon cheeseburger \m/

i went up to my uncle's house in Murpheys, (some of you know where this is) and was utterly destoryed by the turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, etc. i usually dont let myself get that stuffed, but a few bowls and a few cocktails were telling me to proceed. after the gluttonous feast, i crashed out on a couch for like 45 minutes. i then woke up, staggered around in a gut-heavy daze for a bit, and went upstairs and watched the last samurai on DVD. then i passed out. it was fucking righteous.