How would you approach this, Condo Vocal Booth?


always a n00b
Aug 15, 2008
Saskatchewan Canada
Hey all. I just bought my first condo. It's nothing fancy, but a 2 bedroom 850 sq foot unit.

Now, I looked at a few places, but the SELLING point of this place is that it is concrete construction. Therefore, I can make a decent amount of noise! However, I do not want to annoy my neighbours too early off :)

So, im on the top floor of a 3 bedroom building, as well as a corner unit!

My only concern at the moment is keeping my vocals in check.

I play hard rock ( for an example, so lots of my vocals are loud and I still want to be able to track at my place.

So, im gonna make a "makeshift booth" so I can record some vocals, yet not annoy my neighbours.

I was even thinking of using the closet , and putting some foam inside of it. But heres my big Q. Im in a concrete building, with SOLID floors, but is there any way to isolate myself from the floor at all? Would they hear my yelling from the suite below?!? Is there a way to get around that?!?'

Thanks for any suggestions!
Build the floor up a little bit and stuff it with insulation the same way you would do with the wall to soundproof...i have a buddy with a vocal closet and it works like a charm


All he did was build the wall out a little more and put a door on it and insulated the fuck out of it
TBH i dont know exactly what he used but i know he framed the whole closet out, insulated, then used (i think) 2-3 layers of carpet, then made the traps out of the same carpet, sealed everything with a caulk, basically you could hear a mosquito fart in that thing its so quiet
Dang that little booth is actually looks pretty badass. I kinda want to convert my closet (4'10"x5'7") into a booth now :heh:
Dang that little booth is actually looks pretty badass. I kinda want to convert my closet (4'10"x5'7") into a booth now :heh:

When he told me he was doing it I wasn't sure how it was gonna come out but once I finally saw it I've been considering doing the same thing at my house. Its just a matter of figuring out where all my clothes would go.
Im about to embark on something similar. I live in a top floor flat which used to be a normal semi detached house and in the bedroom theres a big space where they must have hacked the staircase and landing out from the house when they converted it. The good thing is that the space in question is directly over my main front door stairwell so its really quite isolated from the downstairs flat and there are no neighbours at all on that side of the house. Im basically getting in slabs of Wickes high density rockwool which comes in big panels and then after framing the space with some slim wood beams (to isolate the panels from the structure even more) just fixing the rockwool panels to the frame leaving an air gap behind. Then I just need to cover it with cloth and the walls are done. For the floor Im just going to use small sandbags in a slim wooden box covered with carpet and and I have my booth. Dunno wether to bother with doing much to the ceiling because the attic is directly above and theres a water tank and about 6 inches of rockwool covering it as it is!
If the attenuation is good enough then I'm hoping ill be able to mic up guitar amps in it at home from now on. Pretty cheap job too. Whole thing comes in at under £100 even if I decide to go all the way and order maplins "acoustically transparent felt" for the covering and it means I can just do everything at home for now including any vocals.