How you can help with ProgPower USA XII!


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
It's time to try a new tactic in getting the word out to a new audience. I will have a total of 10,000 ProgPower USA business cards available to take with you on Saturday. They will be located in the main hallway entrance and easily spotted with a sign.

Grab as many as you would like to take with you. Take 5, 50, 100, or more. Stick 10-20 in your pocket before you go to a local show and pass them out. It's that easy.

ProgPower USA has always been a grassroots effort. Without your help, I would not be where I am today with the festival.

I really do appreciate any help I can get.

Thanks to Keith Lawley for the idea/production & Wayne Joyner for the assist.

I'm already planning on picking up a ProgPower shirt and wearing it to the Kamelot show in Worcester the week after -- I'll make sure to grab a few cards as well. :headbang:
Excellent idea! I often like to wear my PP shirts when I go to shows as well. That alone typically generates questions. It is nice to have something that I could actually hand out to them with the website address and such that they can remember by. I figure a big flyer would be a bit much for situations like that, but handing out a small business card just comes off much more "professionally". I'll be sure to grab a handful and the next time I am at Jaxx, I'll hand out to anybody that comes off the least bit interested.

At the flip side, I cannot count how many times I've gotten comments along the lines of "ProgPower! Awesome! I really want to go someday, but right now, just can't afford it". Of course, the affordability thing is not really anything you can really do anything about. These comments typically came from younger folks, i.e., teenagers or early 20's/college age who don't typically have much money at that point in their lives and could not afford to make the travel to see ProgPower. The only thing to eventually get this audience is to continue with the shows in hope that one day they will finally able to go.
I'll definitely pass some out at the shows here in AZ. I'll also tack them on the message boards at the local music stores and guitar shops.
Question: Will you have clickable banners that we can use on our various signatures that will be easy to get? As well as the downloadable fliers if their are no cards left?
Thanks Glenn, Keith and Wayne!!

Can you post the design as a template in.PDF, .doc, or whatever? That way those of us who can't be there this year can print our to one of the Avery or other business card templates to hand out through the year? Just a thought...


great idea here in texas we have alot prog fans that i meet everyyyyyyyyyyyyy where , and i always tell them about prog power and all the bands and staff and alllllllllllllll cds and stuff you can buy it is must for all prog fans to be at , and with these cards . we can give them the info that they need to get here for the 1st time , well the week is here finalllllllly it has been awhile , i cant wait and wonder what color of scrubs i will have this year ?????? remember last year friday i had green ,any one have any pics please message those to me

proggggggggggggggggggggggg randy
Done. If it only gets a few people interested, it will have done its job so far away. But I will take a few!

If I remember correctly (and will be totally embarrased if incorrect) it was my ProgPower shirt worn to a Charlotte, NC concert that got us talking a couple years ago. Blind Guardian or Symphony X?

Cards are a great idea.
We only get, what, maybe one decent concert a year in Charlotte?...but I'll work it!