
Oh yeah, as far as music goes...

I like alot of music that I guess would be considered on the extreme ends of the spectrum.

Heavy/Technical Stuff:
Cannibal Corpse
Dillinger Escape Plan
Opeth (who do the best job of being heavy, technical, and beautifully melodic all in one song)

Lighter Stuff:
Red Hot Chili Peppers

Weird Stuff:
Butthole Surfers

These are just a few bands off the top of my head. Some of you will probably shudder in horror or call me gay or something, but I like alot of stuff. I'd like to think I'm pretty well rounded.

Aggressive music is my favorite though.
I used to be in a band when I lived in Orlando, FL, which is where I'm from. I don't think too highly of it anymore, but it was still fun, and we definetly had our moments of badassness. You can listen and laugh here:

No, we weren't called "Meatpounders." And I play guitar. And I am almost 21.

My favorite Opeth album is Blackwater Park. It was the first one I got to hear and after thorough examination of all of their albums I feel it is the one that is best produced and moves me the most (which is really alot since all their albums are fucking fantastic and moving.)

I really like all of them though and like alot of the reviews I've read, It's really hard to speak objectively on any Opeth album without being biased because they really are just fucking great and once you hear an Opeth CD, you will probably be a fan forever.

After reading Mr. Akerfeldt's comments on and some of the posts on here, I'm sure the new albums are just going to blow are heads off, and I for one cannot fucking wait!!!!

Another great guitarist? You may be the best one I've heard on this board. Thanks for sharing...

You currently in band? I'd like to hear you play some other type of stuff...
Nope, no band currently. There isn't a big scene or whatever around where I live. To be honest, I haven't really made an attempt to find anybody though. When I moved here I was hoping there would be some weird redneck Death Metal scene but alas...there only appears to be Godsmack cover bands. But like I said, I haven't really looked that hard.

What about that Bumble guy? He seems pretty good.
Well I didn't say you were definitely the best... Bumblefoot is good too... another dude, Thorn of Sorrow has a ton of potential as well... and then there are a few other dudes here that may be even better, but they really don't push their music that much here... they kind of just come here to check out what's up in the land of Opeth. A lot of musicians here... I play guitar as well...
I'm definetly not the best by any means.

I mentioned that one guy cause he posted that vid of him playing Forest of October. I love playing that song.

I'd like hear other people's stuff if they felt like posting it...
I know how you feel, man.
I live out in fucking redneck capitol - southwestern Pennsylvania.

It's nearly impossible to find anybody that plays an instrument that doesn't just do that 3 chord punk shit, bleh.
So far all I have is a drummer and a guitarist...myself being the guitarist, haha.
The drummer's pretty good, though.
All we need are 2 more people and Opeth ahoy.
Anybody from Southwestern Pennsylvania play instruments?