How's the mix, sound or what not?


Dec 18, 2007
Chicago, IL
Hello all,
Just finished up the solo and some bass parts on this can you check it out and tell me what you think, if the tone, drums, bass, whatever sucks? Song structure does it seem solid? Does everyhting sit alright? Or any opinion's on what i can do to make it better? Thanks for taking the time to read this post!

Thanks again,

The song is titled Sick N Tired (Ruff mix no vocals)

Guitars are only tracked twice with impulses and a 6505+ a little bit of the TLS saturated driver for warming purposes, I don't like the kick too much either gonna try and sample it with another one! Thanks for the input!
I actually happen to like this kick sound. I think it would be better as an augment than the whole sound though, if you could mix this sample with another one with more body and keep the clicky one lower. I think it would be real cool.

The mix has a nice body to it, I like the guitar tone for this style.
What program can i use to trigger a .wav kick sample and blend it in with the kick from AD? Also how do i get my midi event for the kick to feed into the sample so it triggers when it's supposed to? Thanks for the advice guys!

would i be able to use reagate in reaper to trigger a wav kick sample or do i need to use drumagog or aptrigga or some other prog.? I'm going to try and mix the kick from ad with another kick sample to get more kick in the kick sound! And that sounds funny, stupid, and maybe good at the same time!

I think I hear some verb on the kick. If you take that off it'll sound a little better, maybe knock it down in the mix a bit too. Really like the guitar sound! Nice riffs.