How's This Opeth Mix? Blackwater Park Clip


May 25, 2008
Hey all, just wanted to get some feedback on this new mix. Check it out, dudes.:wave:

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Sounds great man.

I'm pretty new to production, but the first thing I noticed was the kick is smashing the mix. My guess is your mastering compressor?
Thanks for listening, guys. Very cool advice.

I'm also hearing the kick pump the mix a little? Too much compression or is it just too much subs on the kick?

About the messy mix vs tight kick issue. What do you guys suggest I do? I'm thinking of changing the envelope on the kick, give it a longer release. Add some low mids, a bit more room mic and cut some of the clickiness back. Then I'll tame the guitars more, frequency wise, so it sounds slightly less raw.

Edit: Kaomao, here's my guitar chain: strat w/ steve's special>toneport>lecto>lecab2>fearcomplex mode four impulse+travis mesa sm57 impulse>post eq