hows this sound? (podx3, dfh, djent)


Apr 14, 2005
everrot, WA
been working on this mix for a while. two minute clip of a song im currently working on. im thinkin this is a good start for a template for an EP. kinda your basic Djent, meshuggah, tesseract, bulb, elements, kind of thing. with a little bit of "strings" and other crap too! lol. comments on how i can improve this are greatly appreciated!!

edit: i"ve "mastered" it as well (eep). too much squishy? lol

lo-fi URL:
hi-fi URL:
:goggly: no good?
sorry. but also, i am looking for someone to do some vox for me! either over the net, or if you live in the seattle/everett (WA) area shoot me a msg!
Actually, I really like it! Personally, I'd like to hear the keys come up instead of being just barely audible. But everything sounds good to me.
been working on this mix for a while. two minute clip of a song im currently working on. im thinkin this is a good start for a template for an EP. kinda your basic Djent, meshuggah, tesseract, bulb, elements, kind of thing. with a little bit of "strings" and other crap too! lol. comments on how i can improve this are greatly appreciated!!

Hey is there any way i can get those tracks and mix it? just for fun?
How's the bass sound? This is only the third time I've had a real bass to record with. And I'm (still...) using those twenty-dollar Sony mdr's for everything. Tone tweaking, tracking, mixing, mastering (Lol!) etc.
What were your X3 settings for the guitar tone, did you do much to the guitars post production? I like them, and need help getting strated with my own tone on the X3
big bottom model with the TS for a boost and the v30 cab, 421 mic. i killed the lows below 62hz and rolled a little off the top too. emg 707 pickups. those really make the tone.
i updated the mix too. i got better headphones! Audio Technica ath m-40fs. pretty nice sounding.
Really cool sound man, I like.
How the fuck did you get the sound quality on the guitars that nice? Is that all the Pod X3? I've been thinking about getting one of those for a while.
I really Like your guitar tone.
can you share it with us ?

Can you do some screens of your mixing ?

It's fackin good ! I really like the Kick drum
sure. Nuendo screenie:

my typical guitar sound is my schecter hellraiser c7 into my podx3 live. that runs off the usb sound card crapola. into nuendo. i do the typical sneap-like c4 setting, and the typical "cropping" of unwanted frequencies.

kick drum is ezdrummer DFH. i did some processing to the kick. eq'd out a little room for the bass (around 80hz, depeding on how you are tuned) and boost 50hz a little and thats it.


i forgot about that magneto. i toss that on the master buss. the only thing on the master buss, to simulate a little tape saturation (cheesy and gay, i know....)
God sound you have.. I realy like it... Can you tell more about the settings on the pod.. ex bass middle and that stuff ??
Do you have any eq on the master output ?
What stuff you use on the bass guitar.