HS80M or A7?


Processed Chicken
Apr 6, 2009
Clearwater, fl
What do you guys think are A7's worth the couple extra hundred? Or are hs80m just as good? I just bought to try out the Rokit 6 g2's and could not believe the how much more detailed and how I could narrow in on frequencies compared to the m-audio bx5a's I have been using. Is jumping up from the rokits to the a7's/hs80m going to be just as mind blowing?
switched a week ago from rokit 6 g2 to a used pair of adam a7 (not x). the difference is big if you ask me. much more detailled / controlled, open-sounding. i think the krks sounds a bit "cloudy" and bassier compared to the A7s. but i`m not good at explaining tone with words ;) I`m verry happy with the change!
no experience with the HS80M here.


edit: this thread might be helpful for you