Huge Australia Day Metal gig!

Perhaps a smaller venue though? Although, these things only ever generally get bigger. Is the Gaelic Club smaller? That's my favourite venue minus the stupid drink prices, but that's fine, there's heaps of bottle shops nearby!
Yeah - this event was pretty good, wouldnt mind another one like it. Gotta have bands like Friar Rush, Vanishing Point, Eyefear, and/or Black Majesty in it tho. Neither of these bands gig enough to my liking. Even bands like Sobrusion and From Winter's Grace, have a few of the softer bands on damnit! Bane of whatever they are gotta be here again too! First time i'd seen them was at this gig, and theres something about them that is very cool. I think its the Manowarishness.
Yeah. At the end of july i had some health problems, and uni has gotten really hard lately, its been assignment after assignment. So yeah work + uni + health problems have sort of allowed me no time to post on here or go to gigs. The last gig i went to was Friar Rush in July, its shocking!