That's horrible, man. I know I'd come unhinged if something like that happened to my old man. I hope he pulls through alright, and I hope they find the stupid motherfucker who hit him. He'll be in my thoughts, for sure.
oh fuck dude, sorry to hear that, although i dont drink, alcohole, but when i drink somethin eles, i'll drink for u to get better m/

if it makes u feel better, some drunk driver ran over my dad yesterday and hes still on the operation till now, the fucked up part that got me sooooo fuckin mad is the driver ran away and dont know who the hell is he/she. :(

Awww little bro!!! Damn babe you ok? I hope your dad pulls through. Keep us updated, and don't worry about that driver, karma gets you everytime!
I got to check out South Sydney Rabbitohs taking on Leeds Rhinos in Jacksonville Florida on Aussie day, very cool experience. Definately have a new growing respect for Aussies and rugby. Cheers