I think the set times are roughly like this on the day:
Doors @ 12pm
FROM WINTERS GRACE 12.30pm - 1.05pm (35mins)
DEATH TOMORROW 1.25pm - 2.00pm (35mins)
DEVIL LIVES IN ROME 2.20pm - 2.55pm (35mins)
ANNO DOMINI 3.15pm - 3.55pm (40mins)
INSLAIN 4.15pm - 4.55pm (40mins)
DAEMON FOETAL HARVEST 5.15pm - 5.55pm (40mins)
AEON OF HORUS 6.15pm - 6.55pm (40mins)
HERRATIK 7.15pm - 7.55pm (40mins)
EMPYREAN 8.15pm - 8.55pm (40mins)
BANE OF ISILDUR 9.15pm - 10.00pm (45mins)
LORD 10.20pm - 11.20pm (1 hour)
Tis notan actual METAL EVILUTION show but pretty sure that is the rough times allowing 40mins of leeway if things run late as it will go to midnight.
Still stick with the starting times here and you'll def not miss any of the bands. That's to my knowledge anyhows.
My advice as always is get in early and see them all.I hear there is even talk of the Factory having a cheaper beer available only for this event to so no need to drink at a pub and miss all the good bands here.