HUGE PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can play whole notes @ 400bpm while drinking a beer. Beat that!!

srsly though, maybe he's recording Brain Drill or something?
I am going to set a click track up at 320 bpm when I get home from work tonight. I want to here what it sounds like. It's got to sound like a blur.

Anyway that band are a bunch of tools because I can play at 320 million beats per minute. It is so fast that the planet spins in the opposite direction and I travel back in time. Beat that.
this post is just retarded, no drummer with half a brain would even want to
track along to a click at 320 bpm wtf

160bpm, and if the drummer creates a fuss i wouldnt even bother recording them dude.
Alot of bands are working out of guitar pro and it could just be a case of not wanting to cram 32 or 64 notes into a bar. Also because alot of it is double time the whole time, it kinda makes sense to avg Joe blow. Most radio rock sits around 120-170 and it's not very cool to only be playing at their tempo. If it makes it easier for them to track to hearing more clicks then so be it, make it 160 and put an 1/8 note pulse in there. People like me are part of the problem lol. I wouldn't really say this sounds like 145bpm

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It sounds exactly like 145 BPM to me, listen to the hats / snare on the break downs.... end of story

Yes I know this, but you and I aren't the avg Joe blow dickhead. When you try explaining tempo to a band, this would sound faster to them so they equate it to higher tempo, not necessarily note division or double time etc.
Yes I know this, but you and I aren't the avg Joe blow dickhead. When you try explaining tempo to a band, this would sound faster to them so they equate it to higher tempo, not necessarily note division or double time etc.
If they are so dumb that that's their opinion you can easily flip it over and tell them "you are so fast I can only give you a half time click." That'll blow up their ego and keep things reasonable. However even if it is that fast musicians should really be aware of the concept of cut-time.