Strange Cubase problem: Click skipping


Jun 23, 2009
Hey guys...

Last night I programmed click tracks with a thrash metal band which is recording with me. In the progress I discovered a problem I never had before with Cubase: it frequently skipped single clicks on random places. Anyone discovered this problem, too? Solutions? Ideas?

Greetings Chris
ive had the same problem and could never figure out what it was, It only happened to me a few random times about a year ago and I just reinstalled and haven't ran into the problem sense
Thanks for the reply...

I think it´s a problem with the project file. All my other projects are fine, only this one keeps skipping klicks... Strange. I hope the drummer does not get confused by this while tracking.
Aaaah now it´s getting interesting... My time signature is 1/4 and not 4/4 like in the other projects (because the band wanted always the same click sound with no emphasis on the "1"). Could this have something to do with my issue?
I always just make a midi click. Now that you mention it, there has been one click I made that would just never work until I used a hihat sound instead of the "block of wood" I usually use.
do you have multiple outputs assigned to monitor the click track? I found out running the click on my monitor mix and a separate headphone mix for the drummer caused it to drop out randomly. Try enabling the click only for the mix you need and that should stop the dropouts.

If not then banana
In Cubase 5, there are individual volume sliders for the high click on the "1" and the rest of the clicks....If you turn the "1" click all the way down, you still hear the lower clicks just fine, and the lower click is on the "1" as well, it's just usually masked by the higher pitch of the "1" click. This way you can keep it in 4/4 and have no 1 click, and potentially get rid of the problem.

Perhaps other Cubase versions are like this?
In Cubase 5, there are individual volume sliders for the high click on the "1" and the rest of the clicks....If you turn the "1" click all the way down, you still hear the lower clicks just fine, and the lower click is on the "1" as well, it's just usually masked by the higher pitch of the "1" click. This way you can keep it in 4/4 and have no 1 click, and potentially get rid of the problem.

Perhaps other Cubase versions are like this?

Can't remember for v2 but sure since sx3.
You can aslo load a click sample directly (it's what I do with a PT click sample);)
do you have multiple outputs assigned to monitor the click track? I found out running the click on my monitor mix and a separate headphone mix for the drummer caused it to drop out randomly. Try enabling the click only for the mix you need and that should stop the dropouts.

If not then banana

Thank you for that! I had a extra monitor mix for the drummer! Will try that out.