huge thanks for fixing the lights this year


Juke Box Hero
Sep 18, 2006
i didnt sit down for every set by any means, i probably sat for maybe 3 or 4 throughout the entire weekend, but the entire time i was in the stands i dont remember ever having a light shined directly in my eyes for a prolonged period of time. i remember that being annoying as hell one year, and i just want to say thanks for fixing that, if you even changed anything. idk it was just nice to be able to watch the band without being blinded, very cool.

major props!
I noticed those uber-cool LED spotlights. :worship:

At the last show I attended here (Cradle of Filth), I remember thinking "I wonder how long it will be before someone develops LED spotlights? They'd be a lot cooler-running and a lot more efficient....." and hey presto! There they are! :heh: