hurricane ...

the Mississipi runs right by NO .. and Lake Pnchetrain is there as well ... NO does not actually immediatelly border the Gulf.

basically there is no way in hell that all those ghetto areas will be rebuilt

wonder how the Garden District fared ... this is the area that all the rich folks live ... probably they all fled in time ... and those big beautiful old school plantation mansions are swimming.
lizard said:
meanwhile...Nero fiddles while Rome burns.

:lol: ... is nad tuning his guitar?
having shattered the record for most vacation time, bush realized no other president will be able to touch he returns to the oval office. i'm sure we're about to witness more brilliant policy and leadership.
lurch70 said:
basically there is no way in hell that all those ghetto areas will be rebuilt
when ghettos are rebuilt, are they rebuilt to ghetto spec, with broken windows, crumbling foundations, and whatnot? are vermin and pests trucked in?
lizard said:
meanwhile...Nero fiddles while Rome burns.
hahaha wtf?!

i'm getting ready to take the guitar and smack him over the head. "the FUCK are you thinking?!?!"

just watched some CNN ... this govenror of Louisiana, some lady, looks like she has no pulse ... she was saying there was a possibility to bring in cruise ships to have people sheltered there. WTF? this is going to be some fun for most of these ghettos.
Doomcifer said:
Naturally, New Orleans is supposed to be under water. It was only a matter of time. I wouldn't be surprised if it never reemerges.

Next up, Los Angeles!!! :kickass:
i think only an earthquake could take out LA. or maybe a tsunami which would uhhh, be caused by an earthquake. :loco:
man, I am seriously thinking to move down south and open a Swimming Lessons business after all this blows over ... could make a killing. :loco: