Hurt/Heal [Burning Earth]

I am the Anger_______________1
Burning Earth_________________14 HEAL +2
The Fire and The Fury_________17
Brother's Keeper______________11
The Longest Day______________1 HURT -4 KILLED
Burning Earth________________10 HEAL +2
The Fire and The Fury________17
Brother's Keeper_____________7 HURT -4

Burning Earth________________8 HEAL +2
The Fire and The Fury________17
Brother's Keeper_____________5 HURT -4
You... you... you... you utter bastards :(

I go away for ONE DAY, and look what happens :@

Burning Earth________________10 HEAL +2
The Fire and The Fury________13 HURT -4
Brother's Keeper_____________5
Burning Earth________________12 HEAL +2
The Fire and The Fury________11 HURT -4
Brother's Keeper_____________5
Burning Earth________________10 HEAL +2
The Fire and The Fury________11
Brother's Keeper_____________3 HURT -4
I am the Anger_______________12
Immortal Lives Young__________6 Heal +1
Burning Earth________________9 Hurt -2
The Fire and The Fury_________13
Brother's Keeper______________14
The Longest Day_____________11