Hypocrisy, Nile, Decapitated Tour 2006! Who's all going??


Aug 19, 2003
Los Angeles, CA
So who's going to which show for this awesome tour???? I personally can't wait to hear hypocrisy's new stuff live!

I'm going to the Santa Ana one in Jan 18th most likely :D

I wanted to go to the NY show by my dad refuses to go to NY :\

I wish more bands would play Philly, it seems like half of these bands never play Philly at all
Maybe you shouldn't rely on your dad to take you to shows.
I have a solution: steal a car, and some drugs. Take a few days off school, and go have a blast at a great metal show!!!

j/k ...kinda

*jealousy... rising...*

on the one bill? kryst...

that said, aus was lucky enough to have nile last week and now we have opeth confirmed for april... but decapitated - GRRR.

*...closes eyes and thinks of april...*
Caesar Metallius said:
Maybe you shouldn't rely on your dad to take you to shows.
I have a solution: steal a car, and some drugs. Take a few days off school, and go have a blast at a great metal show!!!

j/k ...kinda
those were fun times for me! getting tripped out on mushrooms and drive around in some one's vehicle! like being swallowed by a vortex
Caesar Metallius said:
Maybe you shouldn't rely on your dad to take you to shows.
I have a solution: steal a car, and some drugs. Take a few days off school, and go have a blast at a great metal show!!!

j/k ...kinda

I'm 14.
On the San fransisco date, The Nile tour is Colliding with the Anthrax tour.

So we're getting a huge metalfest with The Nile Tour lineup plus the Anthrax Tour lineup.

I think I'm gonna leave for Anthrax because I don't really like them and also because everyone else on their tour sucks (Sworn Enemy, God Forbid, Manntis)

However.. Soilent Green, Decapitated, Hypocrisy, and Nile shall kick major ass.
