Hypocrisy, Nile, Decapitated Tour 2006! Who's all going??

yeah i am seein Behemoth in a few weeks down here, spewing i can onl go to 1 show though. But i'll be at Opeth seein as the second show is on the night before my birthday hah. And i have heard Mayhem will tour, and i fucking hope Emperor make their way down here now that they're back.
Of course, this show is a MUST. Nile hasn't headlined around here since 03 (With Amon Amarth, ironically), and to see FINALLY see Hypocrisy on a good tour slot, along with DECAPITATED AND SOILENT GREEN! Tis going to be an ass kicker of a show. Cheers!
fuck man... hypocrisy, entombed, exodus, primordial and more bands are coming to holland.. 'x-mass metal fest'.. checked the internetsite, FUCK! the festival is tommorrow.. missed fuckin hypocrisy..grrrr
man.. I planned the whole fuckin weekend nice things you know. And because i dont have a car and it was impossible to take a train at 3 o'clock in the night. After all i hoped i knew this before.. 30 euros for the whole fuckin shit.. thats cheap eh?
Bap said:
I plan on going -- Hypocrisy is going to be awesome...and Nile won't be too bad i don't think...they have the cool Egyptian sound down, but i can't say enouhg that their drumming orchestration sucks

Youl'd be a fool to say that any aspect of nile sucks, especially any of the drummers they've had. I'll give you that the tom work isn't ascomplex as their last drummer, but the speed and power of this guy is amazing.
I'd give just about anything to see nile but they'll never come to Tennessee (buckle of baptist-bible-belt, USA)
I agree that the drummer is great, but it is the orchestration of hte drums that annoys me...Sure, the guy is fuckin fast and fuckin good at what he does, but i don't think it fits sometimes -- like the fast snare+cymbol he uses. At times, it sounds too much like grindcore or thrash, and it doesn't seem to fit the rest of the music they are playing. Let me look for an example...ok, I pulled up Cast Down the Heretic, and a good example of what i am talking about starts around 00:30 point. I think they could have coordinated that better.

And if you can't see why I can say this, you need to realize people have differing opinions. I am a fan of Nile, and i have most of their albums, but the drums in some certain parts annoy me.
Bap said:
I agree that the drummer is great, but it is the orchestration of hte drums that annoys me...Sure, the guy is fuckin fast and fuckin good at what he does, but i don't think it fits sometimes -- like the fast snare+cymbol he uses. At times, it sounds too much like grindcore or thrash, and it doesn't seem to fit the rest of the music they are playing. Let me look for an example...ok, I pulled up Cast Down the Heretic, and a good example of what i am talking about starts around 00:30 point. I think they could have coordinated that better.

And if you can't see why I can say this, you need to realize people have differing opinions. I am a fan of Nile, and i have most of their albums, but the drums in some certain parts annoy me.

Fair enough.