Hypocrisy self titled-my fav cd of all time!


Hypocrisy rules!!!!!
Jan 18, 2002
Las Cruces, NM
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I just love this cd. It has been my fav since it came out in July of 1999. It is by far, the most diverse hypocrisy album to date. when I hear those keyboards to fractured millenium, I get goosebumps and a shiver down my spine! Elastic inverted visions could quite possibly be the best song ever written IMO. those into cords are so dark and deathly! every song is so good! Disconnected magnetic corridors is also another bad ass song-so dark and depressive. the lyrics are just plain bleak! same goes with paled empty sphere. the guitar solo brings to mind David Gilmour(pink floyd).

The best album ever made!!!!
Not yet. I mean the synth intros in the first songs of both records. Same feeling, same chords, a bit different timing though... Oh well, they're still kick ass so let's not talk about it :D