Hypocrisy To Tour North America With Hate, Blackguard, Swashbuckle

Hows this:



oh shi-
gimme that!
Love the cup!!

Looks like Scar Symmetry are joining the US tour:

Saw this on Hypocrisy's Myspace ;)
You do not know how fucking long I have been waiting for Peter to HEADLINE ANYTHING in this country...
The godz have "arrived"...

Main Entry: ar·rive
Pronunciation: \ə-ˈrīv\
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): ar·rived; ar·riv·ing
Etymology: Middle English ariven, from Anglo-French ariver, from Vulgar Latin *arripare to come to shore, from Latin ad- + ripa shore — more at rive
Date: 13th century
1 a : to reach a destination b : to make an appearance <the guests have arrived>
2 a archaic : happen b : to be near in time : come <the moment has arrived>
3 : to achieve success

&#8212; ar·riv·er noun

&#8212; arrive at : to reach by effort or thought <arrived at a decision>

See you crazy fuckers in SLAYATTLE!!