Hypothetical question(s) only

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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Just what would happen if Symphony X does become big in America to the commercial audience? Will the original fans stick with them or say they sold out. Do you think the band would sell out (i dont think they would) just like people say Creed did? Would they do it for the money instead of the music like they did in the past? Or would they simply keep making amazing music and the public would hear it and be amazed and actually get into more "intelligent" music? What would happen to the genre we all know and love then? Would pop, nu-metal, and other dumb genres go underground?

What if?

A query for you to ponder

personally i think it would never happen and we will all stay in our under, underground bliss :)

Yeah, I think its more realistic to ask if Symphony X will reach the level of say, In Flames or Iced Earth in america, or perhaps even Dream Theater. I think its actually very probable for them to be at least as well known as Iced Earth.
I have a feeling the band and us are going to be in hell(underground) forever, but its heaven to me.
I hope they do make it, but I dont see how. The (mainstream) or even real metal fans in the U.S are clueless. 90% of all people are just followers, they just want to get along. Ive played SyX to family and friends who were old school YES fans and rush, kansas, boston fans. Really there prog rock fans and dont even know it, and they didn't like SyX. They really didn't give them a chance. The fact is the masses don't get it and never will. Look at classical music, its underground, if mozart was reincarnated 99# of the population would never hear him. To me mozart has come back as MIKE ROMEO.
This is actually a great thought - and I was thinking about it lately, oddly enough.

Apart from me being a SX lover, I would love to see them make it big and finally reach all corners of the earth to prove to people that they are one heck of a fine and talented band and don't have to back off just because there are the so-called "trends and hypes" which mean that only those "sell-outs" are really worth checking out because they are big. BAH!
I like Creed very much too because for me there is something in their music that is true, but apart from that, I have to like a band - and Creed being big shots or not, they are the only band, really, from the momentary hype, that I like (I've known them for a long time already anyway).
And another thing: I avoid hypes. If there is something big, I mostly shy away from that anyway because I'm almost always sure that I won't like it. Just because it's big doesn't mean it's good...

What I hate is hype and trends. Stuff (and songs) that's being FORCED to you by radio over and over again. Unfortunately SX are not radio-friendly, to use the term. That is so riduculous. But then again, all loud and heavy stuff is not radio-friendly either, if you catch my drift. That's, thank god, why there is hard and heavy radio. What is radio-friendly? What is radio for? What is music? What is music for? Why is there radio anyway? But that doesn't happen with music only. Movies (actors), for example.

The big sell-outs are NOT bands like DT or others, the big sell-outs are the people behind them. The money-hungry personages that (sometimes) "use" musicians/bands even to sell-out to make big doe. Unfortunately, most bands fall into that trap and, yeah, they make it big time and get a lot of money out of it, some even grow a stuck-up attitude through that. We're big shots, yay! But mainly that's not long-lasting in most cases.

The "followers". Yes, those suck. But those, IMO, are the ones that are not open-minded enough most of the time. There is something on the radio that's big, trendy and being hyped, so, let's like and support it to death. Other stuff is not interesting.

But nonetheless, it's us fans that stick to our favorite band, in this case SX, and we would like for them to make it big to finally getting what they so much deserve.
Even if they would reach DT status, the big difference will be what they will make of it and whether or not they will change, right? If they'd turn into big sell-outs and sport the "we're big, you're not" attitude, than it's the way they've chosen to go, side-effects included.

If I like a band, I'll stick with them, because it's not for their attitude, it's for their music. If ticket prices will rise skyhigh as a result of the big sell out, well, I will no longer be able to see that band live, I'd just have to buy their albums. Tough. Yet, if a band decide to live and breathe the "big sell out", let them.

The "real" fans will stick to "their" band, no matter what.

My female two cents.
I know one thing ...
If they become BIG, they would not have a lot of followers :D
They're musical abilities are "for most" musicians not reachable... :p

Well if they become big, or any other band that I like and they keep on writing good music. Then I would have no reason of dissing the band (so Symphony X is safe then :D )

I can definitely say that, here in Brazil, Symphony X is a "must"!!! :) They kick-ass in all magazine reviews and interviews!! But...............

If they play on MTV someday, it wouldn't be bad at all... as long as they keep playin' their music, and don't 'runaway' to poppy-numetal-boyband-thingy... heheheh!
I don't think we'll see them on every magazine cover, every t.v. show, or in every music article (thought it would be great); they just don't seem like "that kind" of band. Their music just isn't what is going to appeal to huge amounts of people, at least in the current musical climate...sad but true.

Right now, i just want them to be able to quit their day jobs and sustain themselves on their music alone. I'd also like it if i could find their cds in stores as readily as i can find DT albums. That's it.
Imagine this...

Symphony X as a boyband...studying all those dancepasses...
Would be hilarious :loco:

And I don't think the mob is appealed by their appearance...

Because, and sad to say, but the looks do matter :zombie:

Hope they'll be selling a lot of Odysseys :D

Sure thing
Although the TOP 40, or whatever, can really overkill a song...like they did with Red Hot Chili Peppers here in the Netherlands....
heard it far too much...sad thing :cry:

Here in America, I'd like for Symphony X to remain metal's best kept secret for the simple reason that all of these sheep that have defiled our popular music scene over the past several years with their bad taste simply don't DESERVE to be let in on them. I mean we had to put up with their shit all these years and I DO NOT forgive them for it.

Yet, I want Symphony X to get what THEY deserve too. And that would mean that their main profit would come from Europe and other shores; meaning less exposure over here. But as long as they can quit their day jobs and comfortably create more sublime music then to me it's a win-win.:cool:

I'm sure they'd still play the occasional L'Amours.;)
I'd sure as fuck go and see them.

The flip side to that is that I'd definitely like to see more respect for the band over here and even on this BB.

I don't believe for one moment that Symphony X would sell out.

Selling out= not being true to yourself.

Symphony X would never do that or they wouldn't, couldn't be, Symphony X. Simple.
Hmm, I browsed the old topics (yeah, once again) and this caught my attention. So, has there been significant change in the band's popularity there in the States? Or in anywhere else? For Finland I can say that the popularity is steadily increasing but we're still talking about a marginal type of band.
Or in anywhere else? For Finland I can say that the popularity is steadily increasing but we're still talking about a marginal type of band.

And a pretty marginal country. Only European countries that matter financially are basically Germany and England. AFAIK England haven't been listening to any good music since the 70s so don't expect SX to hit there. Germany is where most metal bands take foothold in Europe unless the band originates from another European country; but even then... :p

For me the band has lost a lot by reaching out for mainstream attention and I've kind of lost interest in them. Paradise Lost, to me, sounds like the fillertracks from the Odyssey, with a very boring production.

It was quite an interesting topic to bump.
In the US they've reached "metal" popularity. People who know metal know the band. Their shirts are on sale at the same stores as bands like Incubus, Tool, or System of A Down. I'd say SX has reached the main stream.