I almost feel like crying like a little girl


Anssi Tenhunen
Just got my tooth removed because excess amount of karies (Wikipedia said its called Mandibular second molar, so the one next to the "wisdom tooth"). Hurts like hell

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I've had 4 teeth out before, it didn't hurt at all but the sound was pretty gruesome, and it blead for like 3 hours afterwards. It gave me a numb mouth on one side as well so I looked like someone who had a severe stroke for a while.

I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out back in summer '05, and while I was completely knocked out for the procedure and thus didn't feel anything, the week after was HELL (constantly ripping scabs, not being able to eat anything solid, ugghh) At least you got it done duder!
Toothache can be fucking killer!
One of my teeth (don't know what it's called in English, but it was the the one furthest in the back on the top right side of my mouth) cracked in two once. The pain radiated up the entire right side of my head, like it was on fire r something. It lasted for hours, and I literally cried like a kid after a while. I'we broke quite a few bones from downhill biking, but nothing compares to the way that fucking tooth felt.

Take care of your teeth fellas!

i got all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed a couple years ago. and what i learned from that experience was how powerful vicodins are! i've never been a pill popper, and though i've tried these in the past before... i never thought they did much and preferred the ole fashioned bottle to the pills. then after getting my teeth removed, about 3 days later i was feeling fine... or so i thought. so i stopped taking the pills... BAM! i had no idea how much pain i was really in. damn, i got back on those things fast and found a new appreciation for the little buggers

EDIT: why does the site edit out my use of the word "farm-a-suit-icles" when i try and write it? weird, we can say almost anything else, but not that? wtf?!?
I had all 4 taken - they were all bone impacted and got infected (and then when the surgeon took them out, he had to break my jaw in 2 places to get all of the debris out). I was out of work for a month and a half, and was taking 2 vicodins, with 3 shots of bourbon every 4 hours, and I was still in pain. Dude - cry if you need to... I DID!!! :(
Perfect thread to read at the moment.

I am having that same tooth yanked in a half hour. Getting put under for it since I have such anxiety around Dentists (had a fucking root canal at age 8 because my cousin knocked my tooth in half with a door knob).

Fucking fuck. Well it has to come out, there really isn't that much tooth left and it keeps getting infected. :erk:
Haha great, that same one as you, mine has started to fall apart, I had it filled a while back and thats dropped out now....im going to wait until it bothers me before I get it repaird. I fucking can't stand dentists!
It's afraid you're trying to sell us "male enhancement" products. You know -- bigger stacks, thicker strings, longer scale lengths...

ah... that makes sense. i just thought it was weird that we could cuss up a storm but not say that. is there a pill for a bigger sound? more buaow?!? (sp?)
Haha great, that same one as you, mine has started to fall apart, I had it filled a while back and thats dropped out now....im going to wait until it bothers me before I get it repaird. I fucking can't stand dentists!

i think i'll just get pissed and pull mine out myself.. i'll let you know how it works out, then maybe i can do some freelance dental work?
Just got my tooth removed because excess amount of karies (Wikipedia said its called Mandibular second molar, so the one next to the "wisdom tooth"). Hurts like hell

Scroll down for some gore

God damn did you ever brush your teeth? How do you get a tooth that fucked up!

On a different note, I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled in one go. They drugged me up pretty good though, I can't remember a week of my life. I've been told I moonwalked through the house naked with my face all swollen.
I slightly cracked it with some hard food and because it didn't hurt I just didn't get it fixed in time. It spread quite rapidly after I reserved the appointment, I lost second crown in only one month

Nasty...now I know I shouldn't wait after cracking a tooth.