I almost punched a girl in the face.

Dec 27, 2004
I see out the corner of my eye my girlfriend hooking up with somone with really short hair, so naturally i storm in, tear them apart, start grabbing the "dude" by the throat...and then to my complete and utter horror i realize its a very cute little chick that has no idea WHAT the fuck is going on...so I just walk outside and start freakin' out to myself.

After some apologies to the dudes at the party that mostly went "Dudddde i totttaallly deserve to get my asss skicked for that, but i tottally thought it wassssss a duuuuuuuddde maaaaaaannnnnn, you gotta understand!" and them all "Yea tottally brah drink beerz!". I appoligized to the chick after and was like "Noooo you can hook with my girlfriend, i don't care!"...and so she did...and its like "Sweet, this is pretty hot"...for the first fucking 10minutes maybe, then afterwards i started getting HEATED and calling every chick there a dyke, and how it was a dykefest and this and that and wouldn't talk to my girlfriend and needless to say she ended up crying and appologizing in the bathroom saying the girl was like being really aggressive (which she sort of was...my girlfriend is 4 foot 8), but i was all steadfast in my hardassness.

Long story long, we boned like rabits in a motel.
some webzine said:
To conclude this review; There are some untrue rumours spread around about Sort Vokter, the most annoying & most untrue one is the one saying that Sort Vokter is a NSBM project. This is not the case, allthough litteraly the band consits out of 4 skinheads (they are all bald, (have no hair on there head)), the backcover of the artwork clearly states "Sort Vokter represent no political or Ideological views."
