How many people have ever been punched right in the fucking face?

I don't find people who 'weight lift' to be intimidating.



You see some short guy with big arms with a wife beater...

It's not that intimidating. But it's more intimidating than height or someone being a good athlete. In college, I got in a fight with some guy three inches taller than me, a basketball player. And he couldn't fight for shit. Needless to say, I did not lose the fight. What matters most in fighting is experience. I knew this short, skinny guy who was a chain smoker, and he's kicked many peoples' assess.
Just recently, some Islander idiot hit me in the side of the face through a car window for no apparent reason. He hit me clean, but I barely felt a thing. My reaction: "Is that all you've got, you fucking coconut?" By the time I'd finished speaking my friend was already outside trading hits with him. His friends broke it up as I got out of the car. Nothing serious.

There's been many other incidents, but that's all I can be bothered with.
Yes, just earlier tonight when I was walking my girlfriend to her house, a bunch of my pals (well some were black and some were white, but they're all my pals imo) were walking past us, and the one walked up to me, said "yo I wanna talk to you!" and punched me right in the face. (I didn't even say anything to them, before he walked up to us) Both me and girl ran afterwards (If it was just him, I would've fought him, but there were several of them), the one who punched me was chasing me, and calling me a bitch and shit, but it's not worth getting jumped. Both me and her were able to get away though and afterwards I called the cops. I was more worried about my girl, than I was myself. If I would've fought that my pals, I would've probably gotten jumped by his "homies" (there were at least about 4-7 of them), so I just ran instead. I live in a very shitty neighborhood, hence the term, "niggerdelphia".
Quite a few times actually, over the years. Mostly in school. I did it to a few kids in school too. I still have a scar on the side of my first right hand knuckle from some kid's braces. He started it though lol.
My face has seen many, many, many fists in collisions. Also my head has met a billy club (22 staples and a wicked scar) as well as a shovel (10 staples, faint scar). I have also punched many, many, many faces.
I worked as a bouncer for seven years. I've been punched in the face more times than I can count.
Lol, nice thread. Getting punched to the face is an experience! I had my share in highschool years. :)

What was really surprising for me the first time it happened as an adult was how little I felt it. In the movies a punch always KOs a guy, but really unless youre a trained fighter it doesn't do a helluva lot.