How many people have ever been punched right in the fucking face?

yes, once by a roid-addled jock during choir practice. I was sick at the time and he got a bunch of snot all over his hand. served him right.

I would have loved to have some jock football playing goon to fuck with me because their mother would have had to push them around in a wheelchair.
Wow. Lots of people here claim to have been hit in the face, but no one mentioned anything about trying to hit the person back. If someone punches you in the face, I would hope that you at least attempt to hit them back.
Wow. Lots of people here claim to have been hit in the face, but no one mentioned anything about trying to hit the person back. If someone punches you in the face, I would hope that you at least attempt to hit them back.

Once I was hit in the face by this one kid who was just so intimidating and scary that it just sent me chills. I went down after one punch and someone broke it up luckily because I was just about in shock and he would have probably killed me. This kid is actually in jail for breaking into a guys house and almost killing him.

Before this he would just threaten me and keep me on edge. I would go take a piss and he would would end up coming into the bathroom standing behind me threatening me and was almost certain a few times I was either going to get knifed or have my head slammed off the toilet handle.

One of his cousins also through me into a brick wall and I had cuts on my head and on my upper back. This kid was like 6'4" and would just fuck people up all the time. Sometimes you can't do anything back.

I'm not a social person so have not had any problems with people for awile.
I was punched in the face once (Well, more than once) by a large guy, for calling him a fatass. He was also generally a moronic cunt. I was surprised didn't actually hurt at all. Whcih was weird. Considering he managed to do it three times in a row, then once again the next day. Then he got suspended from school, and I lol'd.

To be fair, if someone tells you to insult them to the face again and you do so, I think they may have a little reason to punch you. Pity it was in school, I'd have liked to just murder his testicles with my knee. As that was probably the only part of his body not smothered in lard armour.

Edit: Oh yeah, I kind of broke down in tears after the second day when he cornered me alone. I'm rather emotionally fragile.
I was punched in the face once (Well, more than once) by a large guy, for calling him a fatass. He was also generally a moronic cunt. I was surprised didn't actually hurt at all. Whcih was weird. Considering he managed to do it three times in a row, then once again the next day. Then he got suspended from school, and I lol'd.

To be fair, if someone tells you to insult them to the face again and you do so, I think they may have a little reason to punch you. Pity it was in school, I'd have liked to just murder his testicles with my knee. As that was probably the only part of his body not smothered in lard armour.

Edit: Oh yeah, I kind of broke down in tears after the second day when he cornered me alone. I'm rather emotionally fragile.
Well, to be fair, you did insult him. If someone insulted me enough, I could also snap and punch them in the face.
Meh, I used to get into fights all the time in school, probably why I am working and not slacking off at college somewhere. So I have been hit in the face a few times and have hit people in the face on a few occasions, even headbutted a couple of guys like a real gentlemen, James Bond style (broke a guys nose doing that, though in all fairness on my part, he started it). I actually lost my center of balance for a few weeks over one hit I got in the side of the head, not fun, the worst though was when I got my head stomped on, now that is something I wont forget. The moral of this pointless reminiscence is dont get into fights.
A fun story though was a concert I went to where a bunch of Melbourne bands were playing Death-Metalcore. The joint didn't have security guards and there was a shit load of piss being drunk by people as young as 15 (no joke I knew almost everyone there). So naturally a big thrash started up in pits and there were fists flying everywhere. Given the venue, its hardly a stage as such so the band even got involved, the lead singer actually headbutted someone mid-performance. God, my neck hurt like hell for a week after that from all the bodychecks.
Someone hit me with his head at a concert.. It was a mistake but turned out to cause a great pain.. My lip was slit open and one of my incisors was wobbling. The dentist pulled the nerves there.. Then cut the tooth. Then mounted a new porcelain tooth there.
About a year ago, some drugged up dude stepped to my friend and hit him for no reason. Well there was a reason... My friend talked to him in a very friendly manner with a nice smile - that must've pissed the junkie off. Anyway, I grabbed him to pull him away, and one of his friends hit me from behind, then another one of them kneed me in the head, then they kicked me in the head till I got knocked out... Well, more like until my brother and other friend arrived.

Anyways, it's the most awesome feeling. It's like a piece of your memory goes missing, and you suddenly find yourself with your brother and your friends, walking on the street, and you have no idea what's going on. Hahaha, feels dreamy and so relaxed/stress free. Apparently I asked my friend what had happened about 20 times lol.

I felt my face up and I had absolutely no pain, anywhere... And I was very hungry, and the pizza store closed just before we got to it.
I've punched some bitches in the back of the head before. But I've never been punched in the face on accident. In a fight, yes. At a concert, no. I rarely go to concerts.
I don't find people who 'weight lift' to be intimidating.



You see some short guy with big arms with a wife beater...
