How many people have ever been punched right in the fucking face?

I've been punched in the face a few times, nothing too full on though.

The last fight I got into was in the dj booth at an outdoor dance party in front of about 300 people. I punched a rude arrogant hippy. His nose bled. The crowd cheered. He scurried away. Good times were had. :kickass:
Yes, I've been on the giving and receiving end a couple of times, even though i do my best to avoid violence whenever possible.

Most notably, I was assaulted by six guys while walking home from a party downtown a few years back. They came up from behind, knocked me to the ground and started kicking and punching for seemed like hours. Cracked my skull open. :erk:

The bastards didn't even have the decency to steal anything!
When I was punched in the jaw I could barley eat for 2,3 weeks. Never had any idea someone could hit so fucking hard.
I got popped about two weeks. It was a cheap thrown after the fight was over. I had taken the kid by the hair and wipped his face into a cement floor. His looked as if he had downs after I did it, but karma came around when kids jumped in to break it up and I got a shot proper. I was bleeding pretty bad and cracked a tooth; I still won though. Another time was when my stepdad was drunk and decided to beat me. He busted my face pretty good with his fists. In the end I was able to get a hold of a wine glass. He left after this.
I kid at a school I work at got hit right in his temple and is now eighty percent blind on that side! :erk:

Stupid gangbangers don't even know what the hell they're doing. I'm just glad I got away with my life...
Considering he's in India, probably C++ code!

Hey, C++ is fucking sexy.

Anyway, I haven't been in any kind of fight since elementary school as far as I can remember. One time when I was like 9 years old I was just walking around the neighbourhood with a friend and two kids a few years older came out of nowhere and started kicking and punching me for no reason. I still remember being pretty scared for a while after that because I didn't understand why someone would do that (we didn't know them so it was just a "for fun" beating apparently and I never saw them again).

Nowadays I'm 6'5" so I don't think I am as attractive a target for random beatings anymore (not that I'm particularly muscular or anything).
Been punched in my forehead really hard once. By some random dude in the street, who was like 65. And I think he was a bit ummm crazy, though I'd never said thast just looking at him.

Since then I like metal :D
I almost punched some people from taking my picture as I was walking past in the street.

Then I remembered that three men can easily beat the living shit out of one small girl and decided against it.
What about mosh pit guys? They don't count? Everyone who has been in the mosh pit took at least a couple of punches in the face. I hit a my friend on his birthday party. I was drunk and he was joking about that I am emo. I punched him and wanted to leave his birthday party but he asked me to stay I don't know why.
Go easy on him, it's his first time
Correct. The lack of females in the country has resulted in mass homosexuality throughout and I'm giving this alien gendered specimen a try to please my visual senses.

Considering he's in India, probably C++ code!
Strangely.. that is correct. :erk: I'm trying to work through a piece of code for a project I've been working on for 3 weeks now.

Hey, C++ is fucking sexy.
Damn straight. :kickass: