i almost fucking cried

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
got Death - Live in LA on CD (didnt have the DVD)
i opened it up, and it had a little square paper with Chuck's pic on it, i flipped it over and read the following:
"...will release an additional live CD/DVD Live in Eindhoven to specifically help Chuck finance his cancer therapy..."

i almost fucking cried when i read that
amazing how i feel all down about it and im just getting into them... shows you the kind of impact it makes to a new fan that didnt even listen to them when the man was alive
I got the vinyl of Live in LA. It's a great testament to such a great man :)

I've been into death for nearly 8/9 years, and i never got to see them, my dream was to meet chuck. But it's okay, because I've still got his music, and i'm well on my way to completing my death Vinyl's collection :)

Chuck! :headbang:

Death! :headbang:

There is no better band.

And i SWEAR 42147 should have been a death song.
Originally posted by Poison Godmachine
We all die. Why, you could wake up dead tomarrow.:eek:
That's a bit of an oxy-moron,isn't it?
That's also one of the things they threatened us with in Catholic school-"You could die tomorrow,so you better believe in God right now or else you're going to Hell."
I've never been a huge Death fan, but Chuck's passing was a big loss to the metal community. Opening up a CD to see that, man, that's gotta be fucking intense...suddenly realizing "This guy's not alive anymore. The money isn't going to help his cancer therapy, because it's too late." I'm glad Chuck Billy survived his illness around the same time.

"I know if I wake up, I'll wake up dead."