I am addicted to The Black Waltz album


Oct 30, 2005
Québec, Canada
I listen to it everyday.
I find that this album can't get boring. I didn't like it that much the first or second time I listened to it but after 2 months, I became to like it a lot. The Groan Of Wind is my favorite one, it's less heavy than the others but it's a really good one and I really like the drums in it.
I give a 10/10...and for They Will Return 8.5, Swamplord and Swampsong 8.
i agree, the black waltz is awesome. they did a great job with that CD, i think mindrust is the bestsong, or mabey man of the king. i cant decide, i just listen to the damn think the whole way through.
Not really, I didn't like it much. I tried liking it but it isn't just working. Swamplord will remain my all-time favorite album, I'll give it 15/10. :p But the best track on the Black Waltz is probably Man of the King (the song that CoB ripped off :p which is If You want Peace... Prepare For War) :lol:
addicted to the black waltz album... hmmm, i dont think you are alone here mate:) rock on!
This album is fucking well thinked.

People that dont like it should be assassinated.
I have to say, Swamplord is by far the best album, and TBW is great as well.. but They Will Return however.. I can't get into.. just not working for me :(
oh gosh.. here we go again.

^ A49ER08, i'm surprised to see someone agrees with me, Swamplord is definitely the best Kalmah album. Musically, i think The Black Waltz is a bit better than They Will Return and Swampsong, but for some reason each time i listen to TBW i have to try really hard to enjoy the brutal vocals.

i hope on the next album, they will combine the screams and growls evenly.
well I'll tell you this much man, the vocals I don't mind.. they don't bother me at all, it's just the music.. They Will Return doesn't seem to have that energy that Swamplord had.

I donno, it's just weird lol
Theres alot of Works in TBW,

Kalmah gave their 115%.

Everything is so "Well Thinked"