Will @ work

So, I'm still at work. shift let out 11 minutes ago... left my overhead lights on since midnight. battery's dead and I'm trying to find someone to jump me :tickled:
not like i could do anything. cars were on both sides. the car on the left side wouldnt reach my battery, adn the car on the right was left there overnight. in front of my car was a huge ditch. i was bored and waited for word on who that missing car belonged to, so i got on the board
I have a thing on my truck called an imobilizer. It shuts the battery off when it starts to get low so stuff like that dosent happen. I have a little keyfaub that you press to activate the battery. It also shuts the battery off if the vehicle gets hit so that if someone breaks in they cant steal it. Kind of a cool little device for pretty cheap.
I have a thing on my truck called an imobilizer. It shuts the battery off when it starts to get low so stuff like that dosent happen. I have a little keyfaub that you press to activate the battery. It also shuts the battery off if the vehicle gets hit so that if someone breaks in they cant steal it. Kind of a cool little device for pretty cheap.
I have the same thing, except the last Battery I went through was because the immobilizer kept draining the almost dead battery.
I hate to tell you Will, but you are not amazing as I. I once locked my keys in my car...two days in a row. Luckily, a co-worker of mine had a AAA-type thing and said it was her car so I didn't have to pay to get it opened up, but it sure sucked having to ask for her help again on that second day.
I win.

Recently I managed to lock not only my keys, but the copy of my car key inside my car. I had to get a coat hanger and perform an abortion on the passenger side door, which doesn't have a key mechanism anymore thanks to an attempted break-in before I owned the car. What was even more astounding was that it worked.
Haha, funny, cause just today I shattered one of the work-trucks windows after one of the stupid fucking mexicans locked the keys in it. Was too pissed and impatient to think of any rational ideas.
I don't know if I win, but I can definitely compete.

One night when I was living with my ex, I came home from work to take a shower and then go meet up with her downtown. When I finished, I walked out the door of the apartment and locked it behind me. I got down to my truck and went to unlock the driver door. For the life of me, I couldn't get the damned key to work. It just wouldn't go in all the way or turn or anything. That's when I thought "Shit, someone just tried to break into my truck and ruined my lock with a screwdriver, fuckers." I actually walked around to the other door to try unlocking that one, and the same result. I was pissed. And then, I looked down at the keys in my hand and realized I was still holding the same key I used to lock my apartment. Holy shit I felt dumb. I grabbed the right key, unlocked my door and took off haha.

The real irony of this story is a couple years later (last year actually), I was golfing with my dad and when I got back to my truck in the parking lot of this golf course in the middle of the day, someone really did use a screw driver to bust out my passenger side lock. They stole my backpack full of valuable things like headphones, camera, sunglasses, cds, bass strings and other crap. This was only one of very few times I'd left my backpack in my truck like that and to boot, it was at a golf course in the middle of the afternoon. Some people have serious guts heh. I think I miss the headphones the most :(
I don't know if I win, but I can definitely compete.

One night when I was living with my ex, I came home from work to take a shower and then go meet up with her downtown. When I finished, I walked out the door of the apartment and locked it behind me. I got down to my truck and went to unlock the driver door. For the life of me, I couldn't get the damned key to work. It just wouldn't go in all the way or turn or anything. That's when I thought "Shit, someone just tried to break into my truck and ruined my lock with a screwdriver, fuckers." I actually walked around to the other door to try unlocking that one, and the same result. I was pissed. And then, I looked down at the keys in my hand and realized I was still holding the same key I used to lock my apartment. Holy shit I felt dumb. I grabbed the right key, unlocked my door and took off haha.

The real irony of this story is a couple years later (last year actually), I was golfing with my dad and when I got back to my truck in the parking lot of this golf course in the middle of the day, someone really did use a screw driver to bust out my passenger side lock. They stole my backpack full of valuable things like headphones, camera, sunglasses, cds, bass strings and other crap. This was only one of very few times I'd left my backpack in my truck like that and to boot, it was at a golf course in the middle of the afternoon. Some people have serious guts heh. I think I miss the headphones the most :(

Didn't you make a thread about this? It sounds familiar.
Maplewood in Renton. The worst is that I played like absolute shit that day and I was already bummed about that before I even realized my stuff was stolen. I swore off playing at that course ever again after that.

However, a pretty rad chick that lives near there wants me to go play it with her, so I think I'll probably end up out there again soon heh.
Maplewood in Renton. The worst is that I played like absolute shit that day and I was already bummed about that before I even realized my stuff was stolen. I swore off playing at that course ever again after that.

However, a pretty rad chick that lives near there wants me to go play it with her, so I think I'll probably end up out there again soon heh.

:lol: Tell her to meet you at Riverbend or some shit.

I played at Washington National for our company's Golf Tournament.....THAT was a nice fucking course. It's like $80 a head unless you're playing twilight, which I think is around $50.