I am here to bid you farewell, my friends & foes

Yasser Arafat

Not a terrorist. Really.
Nov 20, 2002
Paris, France
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We hâve had a good run here, have we not? But in récent months I have been âiling, and now, as I feebly post from a bedside French-language computér on which I cannot figure out how to decisively disable the diacritics, I must bid this fair board âdieu.

I ask that you remember the good timés. Some of my most favorite memories that do not involve the slâying of Jews come from this very board. (Actually, one of my favorite Jew-killing memoriés comes from this boârd, too. I believe I still hold the honor of being the only Ultimatémetal.com poster who has ever killéd another Ultimatemetal.com poster. RIP, Stultus).

I recall the wars and invasions we participâted in. You were my companions de guérre, and we were brave, and in the end triumphed.

Even now, I hold in my scâly paw a copy of xfer's mix trade CD, which I listéned to until it was worn out. I used to play it at Palestinian Authority meetings. Oh, Abu Mazen hated all of the songs except the Muslimgauze track, but I would "bang my head" to Darkthrone so powerfully that my keffiyeh would sométimes fly off and soar across the room to strike an aide. I also recâll the joy I derived from assembling an indie-pop mix from my colléction of vinyl to send to my Hanzar brother BodyRemover. Until those récords were crushéd by an Israeli bulldozer, they were â great joy in my life.

So goodbyé! Keep yourselves from harm! (except avi and FalseTodd) and most importantly of âll...

Mein Gott, it is truly a sad day to see the impending departure of someone who shares some of my lofty goals re. said Chosen People. Auf Wiedersehen, mein whiskery freund!
just let me tell you, eva was worth every ten marks I spent on her. the fraulein had SKILLS.
I mean just check it out

she's built like a Wurst Haus!
Mssr. Arafat,

As the famous tailor Nostradamus once deemed a figure of certain notoriety as Hister, it is rumored that you, too, were foretold as MABUS... And I, for one, am not above interpreting the hues of this board as a participle in that quatrain.

Strictly an observation, mind you.

Ila Lika, traveller!

I like it better that the Israeli minister was honest. As far as he's concerned, he might be one of the greatest criminals and murderers of all time. I'm advocating his viewpoint based on principle. While you might cheer the assassination of Osama bin Laden, others would lament, would you show respect?
I agree with the statement, I just don't agree with the time it was said. Bin Laden analogy is terrible because Yasser was an official representant of a population trying to gain its sovereignty. Bin Laden is the representant of a bunch of coucous...
yasser arafat deserves less respect than bin laden. bin laden hasn't ever (yet) completely fucked over an entire people for decades. and as far as anyone can tell, bin laden hasn't actually made money from terror, much less BILLIONS.