i am now the proud owner of www.baliset.net


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
i just bought it today so nothing is happening on it just yet but i have been brainstorming some ideas for content. i am thinking it will be mainly just updates on the status of the ep i am starting to record in july and motw news.

also i thought about putting up some online guitar lessons for fun and to keep me in the teaching mentality since i haven't been giving lessons for awhile.

of course i will mainly be using it for storage space i suppose.

any-hoo yay for me for finally getting myself a proper webpage.
put this on it:
chromelife: if you actually think these are lessons you will benefit from...

i actually was mainly thinking of putting up all the hot licks that i re-use to make it seem like i am a good guitarist.

preppy: of course i am going to host pumpkin pics because every website needs cuteness.

but seriously guys this website mainly going to be my venture into the hopefully profitable business of pornography. i mean its not like i have anything meaningful to put on my website anyway.
yeah alex i went pretty cheap because i didn't need a ton of space for right now. i am paying $4.95 a month for the service for 100MB and they registered my domain name for $8.50 which was a pretty good deal in my mind.