I Am The Law pic disc


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
I used to have the picture disc of that song and being a big Judge Dredd and Anthrax fan, I fucking sold it. :hypno:
So are they worth much nowadays? I also had the State Of Euphoria pic disc and sold it to get bus fare to get to a Sepultura gig on the Arise tour. DOH!
The 7" or the 12" with poster?
I picked up the 12" for about £14 I think off ebay a couple of months ago.
7" was about a tenner.
State of Euphoria probably about £6 I think.

I went on a md three month spree buying all the Anthrax vinyl I could off ebay.

I reckon it must have been worth it though to see the Seps on that tour, I reckon that would have been when they were at their best?
Keith Would said:
The 7" or the 12" with poster?
I picked up the 12" for about £14 I think off ebay a couple of months ago.
7" was about a tenner.
State of Euphoria probably about £6 I think.

I went on a md three month spree buying all the Anthrax vinyl I could off ebay.

I reckon it must have been worth it though to see the Seps on that tour, I reckon that would have been when they were at their best?

The only "I am the Law" pic disc I know of is the 7". Do you have something different?
Keith Would said:
The 7" or the 12" with poster?
I picked up the 12" for about £14 I think off ebay a couple of months ago.
7" was about a tenner.
State of Euphoria probably about £6 I think.

I went on a md three month spree buying all the Anthrax vinyl I could off ebay.

I reckon it must have been worth it though to see the Seps on that tour, I reckon that would have been when they were at their best?
I got those singles too. :grin:
It was the 7" with the cover drawn (brilliantly) by Scott Ian.
And although Sepultura were at their peak, the gig was the worst I've been to. Dont know why, it just lacked the magic for some reason.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Yeah the cover was great. Not quite in the same league as Brian Bolland's Dredd (my avatar is by him) but great nonetheless.

used to have hundreds of Dredd comics, but afer reading them 10 times i sold them for less then shit!!
any news on a new movie??
They need to have the movie based on the stories like the cursed earth series from way back and the judgement day series. that would be so much better than the story of the last one. Dredd dont have no bloody woman in the comics (the last time i read) he is a loner and should remain that way.
Yeah, they have to stay more faithful to the comic - no girlfriend, no shots of Dredd's face and no brainless Hollywood plotlines. I agree they should base a new movie on one of the old classic stories - and Judge Death should be in it.
A darker movie is what's needed. Still, don't know if they've got one in the making. Only thing I know is there's a Dredd PC game coming out soon and it looks fucking brilliant. I cant wait for it!
Don't count on it. Hollywood movies always need pointless love stories, which really winds me up. It's not bloody required in every movie released DAMMIT!

So disappointing :erk:
there was a rumour on this board months ago about part 2 , they also mentioned in the press that Dredd will be played by a Brit, my guess was Vinnie Jones!!!He has the chin!!!(for those of you who don't know Vinnie, he's an x soccer player and he was hard as stone!!!last movie he played in Swordfish)