i ask your advice on an album i will be recording

I'm listening on headphones but it sounds weired, Can't put my finger on it, maybe like phasing or something. Also a lot of instruments sound like there fighting one another for space. Just not very pleasing to my ears.....
It's not a great mix,.. A lot of instruments seem to be fighting with each other, which is to do with the composition as well as the mixing.
It sounds a bit chaotic and I'm not sure if it's due to the mix or the music itself. I think you should experiment with panning more and also bring the vocals up. Leave some instruments in the background. See what frequencies you can cut on individual instruments to make things fit together. Seems you have a difficult task, the good part is you'll probably learn from your experience regardless of the quality of the result.
I agree ... if that comes out to be great (which it can!) you'll definitely improve..

To be honest, I think you need to really strip that song back (in the mix) and let the song breathe,.. and really build. At the moment is just seems too busy,..

Make space for all the instruments - and automate them for choruses etc..
Could be great ; just keep in there!
haha , guys, it was all in the recording process that i wish could have been done better. it wasnt easy trying to separate all the instruments in the room, and i used 57's on the trumpet,sax,flute and clarinet, i wish i had been able to get some nice ribbon mics or warmer tube mics, the fact i had to mic them all so closely made them come out quite harsh and hard to work with.

i'll see if i can upload the files at some point.

i have learnt alot from doing this recording lol:)
Considering how weird this is, it sounds good. The players themselves could have tuned their instruments better - or perhaps it's just a technique issue in the case of the strings.