Haha wow thanks Necromancy, I love that link
I haven't seen Ally McBeal in ages, I remember it being pretty surreal!
I'm not suggesting that you can't be both beautiful and kind hearted, but a lot of the people ive met have yet to find a comfortable balance and the 'more attractive' people do tend to be more unpleasent. Although the syaing 'never judge a book by its cover' goes both ways!
Good idea! If I can't get enough bubble wrap (although I saw huge rolls of it on sale for £6 at Staples....) I could always get thrown into the type of asylum that has padded walls! :Smokin:
Outstreched Fingers said:For those of you who know the tv show Ally McBeal, this is my "fishsm"
I haven't seen Ally McBeal in ages, I remember it being pretty surreal!
Outstreched Fingers said:You either pay more attention to your body or to your soul, why do you think most women lack personality?
I'm not suggesting that you can't be both beautiful and kind hearted, but a lot of the people ive met have yet to find a comfortable balance and the 'more attractive' people do tend to be more unpleasent. Although the syaing 'never judge a book by its cover' goes both ways!
PhilDemmel'sSaliva said:If you had a really thick layer of it it'd be amazing. That way, when you're angry and throw things against the wall, they wouldn't smash into pieces! Or you could just fling yourself against the wall. This sounds like fun...we should orchestrate some mass bubble-wrap-bashing.
Good idea! If I can't get enough bubble wrap (although I saw huge rolls of it on sale for £6 at Staples....) I could always get thrown into the type of asylum that has padded walls! :Smokin: